Configure PHP and create the development environment

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 23:12
To start this tutorial based on SQL examples, a work environment must be defined.

Using Wamp Server or EasyPHP or equivalent software, the key is already done:

  • Apache is installed locally.
  • MySQL is installed on your computer.
  • PHPMyAdmin is ready for use if needed.
  • PHP is configured to include the mysql extension with which they work.

The scripts that we will have to be stored in the www subdirectory of the server software directory. To start a script, open the dropdown menu of the software in the taskbar and click on localhost and click on the project folder.

The examples we give are intended to run on a server. So you need to check that the configuration of your hosting is ready to run scripts.

For this download a small script as infos.php (check that no files already has that name):

Then run the program:
With the URL of your site. If the program does not work, either PHP or phpinfo are not supported. Then see the documentation for the host or change of accommodation.

Otherwise check that the PHP version is at least 4 and PHP mysql extension is included. Each extension has its own descriptive table with the name of the extension above. Then erase infos.php.

If the mysql extension is included we can put the examples online, otherwise it will be sufficient to test locally.


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