The 10 steps to creating a website

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 23:47
Creating a site is a few steps. Scheduled hence a good foundation, it will have a good chance to be successful and meet Internet users.

1) Define the type of site

The main website types:

  • Window of a product or a company.
  • Site based on a theme (a technology, industry ...)
  • Educational site containing tutorials.
  • Software.
  • E-commerce.
  • Forum.
  • Blog.
  • Service.

The type of site will determine which tools to use, especially if you intend to use a content management system to facilitate the creation. Note that a forum, a blog or a book can accompany a portal site, and it increases the number of visitors.
The question is whether the site will have a growing audience, which is usually the goal of the webmaster.

The online store if it has products with similar descriptions to what is already on the web, will be penalized by Panda.
If in addition you place links on many directories to make it known, he will be penalized by Penguin.
His only chance of success is in selling unique products, but it's a gamble, because a large commercial site will in future be interested in these products, and the engines favor large sites.
The blog or the technical site, if they talk about things that only you know can also have a success, since you know the public interest, which will depend on your sense of writing.
News and forum site have no chance of success these days unless they are dedicated to a product and be alone.
Your main chance of success if you can program is the creation of a service, provided it is unique. Your addiction engines will be minimal.
It is always possible to find an original idea, as examples see the list of original sites in the links at the bottom of page.
2) Choose the theme of the site and its audience

For optimum indexing by search engines and better positioning in the outcome, a site should be devoted to a single topic, well-defined. The first step is the exact definition of what will be spent on site.
The audience will be for the site must be well defined from the start.
In one site, multiple themes is undesirable, at least at first. Conversely it is not desirable to create multiple sites on the same theme, a more complete single site is preferable.

3) Choose a domain name

The site name can be assigned to a subdomain, which is a directory in a hosting or a domain name. As for example. Choose a name knowing that the domain names have value.
Even if you have free accommodation with a subdomain, it is better to register a domain name and point it to your subdomain (eg be redirected to http : // However, the benefit is limited.

A long name, with more than three significant words. "The bakery-pastry" is good, but "La-pastry-en-pate-puff-au-butter" would be a handicap.
Words without accents are not a problem, but in the future will be admitted accents and current, there will be risk of competition, we must consider it.

4) Choose accommodation

If you do not have an accommodation offered by your Internet access or if you prefer accommodation with DNS management (that do not offer service providers), the comparison site accommodation will help you choose the right one best for your site and the importance of planned visits.
Watch for warning signs that announce the failure of the host. Such a breakdown of repeated service several hours. Check the list of web hosts, a selection that will put you in the shelter of a mishap.

5) Static pages or CMS?

We increasingly tend to use a CMS or content management system like Wordpress to create a website, and usually it's not necessary. The attraction of such software is that it incorporates side to comment system other services like blogroll and tag cloud.
The latter two tools are less used because they can affect the positioning in the results pages of search engines penalizing increasingly artificial or excessive links.
As for comments, online services provided through or by Disqus Facebook comments, they become as accessible to static sites. There remain the themes and other plugins found on CMS. These advantages could become disadvantages when the CMS is updated but the plugins or theme are not!

Finally, it is easier to create a new page on a CMS, when you want to edit it, it becomes more difficult to access the contrary. So we choose a CMS for a website e-commerce or blog, and avoid the other sites ...

To make a static site, just at a minimum, to download a page in the space provided by the host, this page is named index.html.
Knowing HTML syntax is not essential, you can edit the page on a word processor such as Word or LibreOffice or Web page creation software (see links list) and save it as HTML.
Ftp manager like Filezilla or PHP FTP Synchronizer will transfer the pages on the space provided by the host.

6) Create content

Ask yourself a series of questions to ensure that the site is deemed poor quality by search engines like by readers.

  • Is the content original? (A search on the title and subtitles can be useful).
  • Your site should be different, to add something more to what is already on the web.
  • Are we will trust you by reading your page?
  • It depends on your references, but details that you will bring.
  • Give your visitors what they want?
  • It might be useful to submit the site to third parties for their opinion.
  • Visitors will they want to read more pages, put them in bookmark, click the Like button or +1.
  • It depends as much interest as the contents of the presentation, which is justified in the following section.

Here is how Google defines quality for a Web site, according to a summary by the list of Google.

  • Would you trust the information presented in the article? He has the site authoritie in the field?

  • The article is written by an expert or an enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject?

  • The site he has duplicate articles whose content is superimposed or redundant articles on the same subject, with small variations of keywords?

  • Without hesitation give your credit card number to this site?

  • The article he has misspellings, style or he exposes against-truths?

  • Are the topics chosen course or to be better positioned in the search results?

  • The article he provides unique information, a report, a proper research, in-depth personal analysis?
  • And it provides added value in relation to other pages on the same subject?

  • Does The article gives two versions of a story?

  • The article provides it a complete and comprehensive description of the subject he treats?

  • Is it a type of page you bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend?

  • Does a page an excessive amount of ads that distract from the content or interfere with him?

  • Are the articles short, unsubstantial, or without interest?

  • Users complain they saw the pages of the site?

Style Guide by Google. The best is to start with good style rules. (English).

To go beyond the textual site, and provide visitors with an elaborate layout, a specialized HTML editor becomes essential, along with drawing tools or image generators.
The alt attribute of the img tag is a text alternative to the image and is recommended. It contains a description of the image (and not the page).

And here is a list of tools to create or generate images for a website.

Error 404 Not Found
7) Page 404

When the server can not find the page requested by the browser, it returns an error code 404. We must ensure that the user is confronted with an error message for better ergonomics. To do this, we create a special page that will be displayed instead of the page not found.
It remains to redirect the visitor to this page ...
Note that Wordpress and other CMS, redirection errors is already taken into account by the system.
Create or complete a .htaccess file with the following lines:

RewriteEngine on
ErrorDocument 404 /erreur.html
This file must be at the root of the site, often the subdirectory "www". Complete code to download: 404 archive.

The domain name should not be included in the URL because it hinders the search engines. Indeed it replaces the page code by code 404 200 normal load. Google will refuse your sitemap if a full URL with domain name is used to redirect errors.

Instead of making fun of the visitor (see sample pages 4 404 to the right), we can instead create a smart 404 page. The idea is that the 404 page offers a list of links related to the missing page is requested by the user. This is easily done by Wordpress using the tools on keywords. Or even simpler, insert a search box in the error page.

8) Enter Web 2.0, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax

Create a Web 2.0 site, it is now possible, and this is the subject of an article on this site.
This involves the use of dynamic site techniques described above, but also the use of special libraries, which are combined to create new services.
Modern websites are based entirely on the offer of a Web service using new Web 2.0 technologies and are traded in millions or billions of dollars.


Scripting language that fits into the HTML code of the web page. It allows you to modify its content to treat such forms.
To learn more about JavaScript, find tools and tutorials.


The use of style sheets will also be necessary for a really serious site with a reusable presentation, or to change the presentation by device (PC, mobile).
It is better to use CSS from the creation of the site. A complete model is proposed on this site in the CSS section.


PHP scripts are placed in an HTML page, but are executed by the server. This generates a new page according to the instructions of the script.
ASP is an alternative to PHP, which only works on a Windows server. Other languages ​​may be used for the same purpose with JavaScript with Node.js.
With Wamp Server, you can run PHP, Apache and MySQL locally before posting on a website under Windows.


This is the combined use of JavaScript and possibly a server side language like PHP or ASP. Of application frameworks (frameworks) préféfinis make it easier by providing commonly used functions.
You can use a simple library like Anaa or more powerful Ajax Framework like jQuery, the most commonly used.

9) Be prepared for search engines

SEO is to make your public website or he can be completely ignored.
You can start with an inscription on the directory. But this can take time. Meanwhile you can register the site on several directories.
For more information about SEO, SEO consult the manual and SEO bible for optimizing pages. Above all pages must be prepared to facilitate indexing by search engines. It depends on their structure and meta.


Meta tags are tags whose content is not displayed but are considered by the search engines. There are a number. Only qutare of them are really important.

The <title>

It contains the title of the page. It is recommended by the HTML specification. This title should definitely be different for each page. This should not be a keyword list but a descriptive phrase. The title should be attractive, it appears in the results of search engines and must want to click on the link.
Note that if the tag is omitted, Google will use the first title marked with <h1> </ h1> or otherwise, h2, h3, etc.

The meta description

It lets you choose the snippet, the descriptive text in the results pages and must be attractive. When it is omitted engines produce a snippet from the content of the page, often with the first paragraph.

The robot tag (optional)

Its format is: <meta name = "robots" content = ""> and it is placed in the <head> section too. It is intended for robots of search engines.
The content is from one to three words separated by commas:

Index, noindex: indexed or not the page.
follow, nofollow: taking account of the links on the page or not.
archive, noarchive: cache or not.
all = index, follow, archive.
none = noindex, nofollow, noarchive.
You can omit the tag, it is equivalent to <meta name = "robots" content = "all">

The attribute rel = canonical

This is the fourth meta essential, it indicates which page should be indexed when multiple pages are identical. View canonical script for more info.

Special Files

The site map (optional)

The "sitemap" is recommended by Google to help its crawlers. However, in most cases the effects are zero, the creation and recording of a site map, even standard XML format, allows no progress in the results of search engines and traffic. However, some sites do not have all their pages indexed and in this case the sitemap is essential.
If you want to create a sitemap, use a free program like Simple Map.

RSS (optional)

Build an RSS feed of your site to publicize the latest articles or selected pages is not difficult if you install the free online editor RSS ARA. It is an instrument of effective promotion as this article explains.

The robots.txt file (optional)

It is not really necessary, but prevents an engine to scan some unnecessary files or under construction. Google provides a guide to achieving this file: Getting started with robots.txt which lists instructions to robots of search engines.
We can also provide guidance to robots or robots meta to the .htaccess file.

10 Google tips.


This is Google that says: you have to make a website for users, not for search engines! But for engines, only count the texts and the criteria that make your page deserves to do well in the first results of which are significant words.
This remains the choice of the webmaster to make a site about the articles that you want to write, or write more articles that will most likely get a wider audience
But whatever the choice and level of involvement, all see the engines is a set of words.

Therefore insert the most significant keywords for the page, and all synonyms. Knowing that those who are at the beginning, in the title and subtitle are considered more important.

External Adword gives you ideas of key phrases from a theme or a starting word. As the tool is for advertisers to Adsense ads, the results match what users are looking for.

10) The maintenance of your site

How many links to your site on search engines? Once the SEO done after a period of one month, you will want to know the result. An estimate of backlinks can be achieved with Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools.
From time to time, once a month, preferably, one must check whether links to external sites are still valid. This can be done automatically with a W3C service, check links.
If the site is created in Windows, use a Linux Live CD lets see how it looks under a different system. Mandriva Live CD shows the fastest and efficient to recognize the hardware.


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