Online Marketing tips

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 19:54

Some Internet marketing techniques like social networking, email and blogging may not result in a lot of direct costs. However, you need to spend your time or time of your employees to techniques that your audience uses the most and that will bring you more leads on potential buyers or traffic increased pedestrians.

Search engine optimization top ↑

 If you are present on the web, make sure that people can find you. Learn to use the right keywords in the right places on your website, so that interested consumers can find you on search engines. Use the inbound links (hypertext link from another website pointing to your website) to improve the positioning of your site. To improve your positioning, especially if you are a local business, make sure that your name, address, and phone number are prominently on your website, and that they match the coordinates in other directories and lists in line.

 2. Blogging top ↑

 Create a corporate blog (an online journal) and put it to the public. Through your blog, you can contact your customers to inform them of changes in your products or services, gather feedback and get their ideas to improve the delivery of your services. Again, your attention should be focused on your customers; tell them that they will get their money, but also give them expert advice that will be useful to them. Offer them a service through your blog that, according to its nature, is shared and attracts visitors. The keywords you use in your blog can help you improve the positioning of these words in the search engines. This can refer people who do not yet know your company by name to your website.

 3. microblogging top ↑

 Between the length of a text message and that of a blog, but with the microblog. Microblogging is a way of communication and promotion increasingly widespread. You can send short messages frequently (less than 140 characters in general) on any subject. You can send messages on your daily sales and promotions, and practical advice. You can also post a link or an opinion about your industry or arrange live chat sessions during which you answer customer questions. In most microblogs, it is also possible to search for keywords related to your product or service; there may be questions that you can answer to publicize your name and your expertise. The key is to remember that it is not about you; microblogging, like any form of marketing, respect your subscribers, customers, and the value offered to them.

 4. Comments top ↑

 You can view your posts on other blogs and forums that discuss specific topics. For example, if you sell organic products, use the Internet to find customers who are interested in this type of product. You can answer their questions and allow them to communicate with you or your company to get more information. Keep in mind that some of these blogs and forums can be directed; Then, make sure that your comments add value to the discussions to prevent them from being treated as spam. This content can often be found by potential customers well after the date of publication. This is why your messages can have a longer life that tickets posted on social networks (which are usually short-lived).

 5. Email Marketing top ↑

 Sending emails to your customers and people who agree to receive information from you is an effective way to inform the latest developments in your business, while ensuring that they do not forget you. They may be happy to receive your email if you provide interesting offers, discounts or helpful advice. Remember that people are busy and that most of your emails will probably not open. You can track the types of emails that customers read by using an email marketing software. Remember to check your inbox regularly; most customers expect to receive any response within 24 hours. Also, be sure to offer your customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from the mailing list if they want to stop receiving emails.

 6. Social Networking top ↑

 Platforms with a general theme, such as Facebook and Twitter can help you establish a network of contacts and mobilize your current customers. Other websites focus on specific topics or categories, such as LinkedIn, which focuses on professional networking and recruitment for companies. On most networks, you can search keywords related to your product or service to find questions that you can answer, which will help to raise awareness of your name and your expertise. It is also important to remember that the statistics on social networking, as the number of friends, of subscribers or enthusiastic, also have more and more impact on the ranking of search engines.

 7. Webinars top ↑

 The webinars are direct online presentations to which your clients can connect using webinar software. This type of software allows you to share your computer screen with your audience, in addition to transmitting the audio and, in some cases, the video content of your presentation. Webinars can be used to launch new products, present live product demonstrations and get feedback from customers. They can also be recorded and displayed on your website so that your customers can refer to it later.

 8. Viral Marketing top ↑

 This is a form of word-of-mouth advertising online. If your post is interesting enough, it will be transmitted from one person to another or distributed through emails, social networks, blogs, and so on. Your message can take the form of a video, an advertisement, a website, an image or information. Think of how humorous videos are exchanged online. Although viral marketing is often difficult to imitate, the analysis of most social networking tools can tell you what type of content you share is more likely to go viral or more "virality".

 9. Getting social bookmarking top ↑

 Social bookmarking allows you to save and manage Web sites and pages you visit frequently, and to do research. However, unlike traditional bookmarking you make on your workstation, social bookmarking allows you to access your favorite bookmarks from any computer. You can label them, view them according to their popularity and share them with others.

 You can also use social bookmarking as a free marketing tool by submitting to social bookmarking sites link to your company website. Thus, the link you posted can be seen by thousands of visitors.

 10. Online Advertising top ↑

 With online advertising you can buy space for your promotional messages or your banners. For example you could see your ads appear on the results pages of search engines, in the classifieds online, on websites and social networks in dealing with advertising networks.

 Online advertising has the advantage of being fast: You can quickly publish a promotional message and immediately know the number of times your ad has viewed or clicked on it, depending on the model you purchase selected. The models of common costs for this type of advertising are: the cost per thousand, cost per visitor, cost per view and pay per click. Access to such data allows you to change your strategy, as necessary, in order to attract as much traffic. If you establish monitoring mechanisms in the code of your website, you can find out which advertising platforms convert more visitors into sales or desired action.

 11. Sharing photos and videos Top ↑

 Websites photo sharing and videos allow you to spread the content on your brand online and for free. You can take advantage of this kind of media-sharing sites to be advertising your business directly or to direct traffic to your website. By posting a video that presents your services, you are able to attract new customers without neglecting your current customers.

 12. Podcasts top ↑

 Podcasting is the exchange of video and audio files online or through a mobile application. Unlike webcasts are streamed and require an Internet connection, podcasts can be downloaded and stored on a computer, a portable media player or smart phone. Users can subscribe to podcasts, and new episodes are automatically downloaded to their devices as they are issued. You can use podcasts to promote new products, provide tutorials, broadcast interviews, and more.

 13. Wikis top ↑

 Wikis allow you to collaborate online with other people to create and edit content using free or purchased software. Wikis can be very useful in business: they allow you to create content in a team and keep records updated in collaboration with multiple authors. Wikis are normally used by communities of web sites, corporate intranets and knowledge management systems.


There are a lot of marketing strategies to choose from to increase sales and visitors. You just have to set your goal and study.

Online Marketing Tips And Strategies That Will Give Your Small Business More Online Exposure.

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